villages covered
Savings of
households covered
families interviewed in Vital Rate Survey 2018
villages covered
Savings of
households covered
families interviewed in Vital Rate Survey 2018
Programme Details
The programme works on a public-private partnership mode which focuses on building capacity of existing government voluntary health workers (Accredited Social Health Activists-ASHAs, known as Sahiyyas in Jharkhand). Low literacy levels of Sahiyyas was a constraint in many cases. Maternal and Newborn Survival Initiative (MANSI) overcame this through classroom sessions where Sahiyyas are provided training, using largely visual/ pictorial aids, on parameters which would address the root causes and underlying reasons for neonate and infant mortality.
MANSI was later scaled up—from 167 pilot villages to 1,686 villages of Jharkhand and Odisha. It now covers a massive 2.2 lakh households in 12 blocks across Jharkhand and Odisha
Target Beneficiaries
Pregnant mothers and newborn in rural areas
Jharkhand and Odisha
An evaluation of our pilot block over a five-year period (2011-2015) had revealed a stark reduction in the Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) by 61% and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) by 63% and Child Mortality Rate (CMR) by 54.9%.
As we scaled up, subsequent evaluation of 12 blocks over a three-year period (2016-2018) indicated the reduction in NMR by 24%, IMR by 20% and CMR by 27%.
Under this VRS, 2,27,899 households were covered and 2,94,038 families interviewed.
Other Initiatives in Education and Holistic Development
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Operation Smile
Dushan Mission
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