May 2019
beneficiaries till date
19.8 cr
funds dispersed
beneficiaries till date
19.8 cr
funds dispersed
On 3rd May 2019, Odisha's coast was battered by Cyclone Fani that recorded windspeeds of 175 - 180 kilometres per hour (kmph) gusting to 205 kmph during its landfall in Satpada (Puri district). 64 lives were lost and about 16.5 million people in 14 districts were affected. Puri, Khurda, Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapada and Ganjam were the most affected districts. The Tata response was led by Tata Steel, the Lead Company for the state.
The group undertook multiple emergency response measures with Tata Steel, JUSCO, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited, Tata Projects supporting power restoration activities of the government by providing over 100 skilled manpower. 12 DG Sets deployed by Tata Steel to Puri, Bhubaneswar and Jagatsinghpur districts for power supply and restoration of water supply systems. Drinking water was supplied by Tata Trusts and Tata Projects through 3 portable RO water plans while TCPL and TM International Logistics provided bottled water in impacted regions.
As part of the relief phase, over 28,000 students in over 310 government and government aided schools were provided with school kits in the worst affected blocks of Krushnaprasad, Brahmagiri and Puri Sadar. 58 Tata volunteers from multiple Tata companies anchored the relief operations in Puri.
Currently, rehabilitation projects are being developed for the worst affected blocks in the district. A project on supporting artisans in Raghurajpur village has been completed where artisans worked with designers to create corporate gifts through the traditional arts of pattachitra, leaf etching and papier mache.
Annual Report
Cyclone Fani Response Programme Annual Report 2019-20
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